Based on the blockbuster motion picture turned Broadway show, Beetlejuice JR. tells the story of a strange and unusual teenager named Lydia Deetz, still grieving the loss of her mother, and obsessed with death. Lucky for Lydia, she and her father move to a new house haunted by a recently deceased couple and Beetlejuice, a delightful demon with a real zest for life. When Lydia calls on Beetlejuice to scare away anyone with a pulse, this double-crossing specter shows his true stripes, unleashing a (Nether)world of pandemonium. Join Young Theatre Players Senior Company as they bring Beetlejuice Jr. to life…. literally!!
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Earlier Event: February 3
Monday Night Bingos in Support of ABEL Enterprises
Later Event: February 8
Port Dover 95th Annual Fireman's Ball