Our first annual Sayza Wellness Festival right here is Norfolk County!
Saturday, August 19, 2023 at Whistling Gardens, ON.
A movement and music festival celebrating community connection, where you will experience yoga classes and workshops, live music, holistic vendors and a variety of wellness activities for the whole family.
Local wine, beer, and food available, all amidst a variety of beautiful botanical gardens and fountains.
Our goal is to unite and connect the community through healing, yoga, music and wellness.
Tickets on sale now!!
Early bird rate - 10% off the follow prices until May 14th! Discount code BEWELL23
Adult Pass - $40
Youth Pass - $20
Children 10+Under - Free!
Are you interested in being a part of SWF? E-Mail us at sayzawellnessfestival@gmail.com
Stay tuned for more details including a list of the amazing performances and vendors you can look forward to seeing this summer!