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Hometown Picnics Series - WHAM

Join Waterford Heritage & Agricultural Museum and Norfolk County Heritage & Culture for an online beer pairing event as part of our new Hometown Picnics series.

Pick up your takeout meal from Waterford’s The Gibbled Goose and tune in virtually with Tiffany, The Travelling Pint from the comfort of your own home. Tiffany is an Ontario-based craft beer and travel blogger who will share stories of craft beer through her exploration of hundreds of breweries from across North America – including paring highlights from your Gibbled Goose picnic. Tiffany started The Travelling Pint in 2005 to learn more about all aspects of beer and as a way to share her adventures and help educate and encourage others to support local and the craft beer industry.

Participants will be required to pick up their Picnic Kit before the event, this will include everything you need to enjoy this event!

Tickets: $25 each including your meal and virtual beer pairing lesson. Beer optional/extra and can be picked up with your meal.
Ages 19+
*internet access required